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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale >
Customer Request


Customer Request is used to perform the following:

  1. Create new requests for the following:
    1. Apply for Customer Account
    2. Change card PIN
    3. Complaint / Enquiry
    4. Increase  / Decrease Card Limit
    5. Revoke an existing card
  2. Approve/Reject/Close requests
  3. Customer Request Notification

1. Create new requests

  1. Add/Edit the record
  2. Enter the following details:
    Request Type  Field  Description
    1. Apply for Customer Account  Request Type Choose request type "Apply for Customer Account"
    New -> Submit -> Reject / Close
     Application FormEnter the details in the application form. The content for the application form is configured in menu "Document Templates -> POS Customer Request Application Form"
    2. Change card PIN  Request Type  Choose request type "Change card PIN"
    New -> Submit
     Customer  Refer to Customer Access Security
       Vehicle/Driver  Choose Vehicle/Driver
       Current PIN  Enter the current PIN
       New PIN  Enter the new PIN
       Confirm New PIN  Re-enter the new PIN
       Notes  Enter notes for the request
    3. Complaint / Enquiry  Request Type  Choose request type "Complaint / Enquiry"
    New -> Submit -> Reject / Close
     Customer  Refer to Customer Access Security
       Notes  Enter notes for the request
    4. Increase  / Decrease Card Limit  Request Type  Choose request type "Increase  / Decrease Card Limit"
    New -> Submit -> Approve / Reject -> Close
     Customer  Refer to Customer Access Security
       Vehicle/Driver  Choose Vehicle. Leave blank to change customers credit limit
       Category  Choose product category. Leave blank to change Vehicle credit limit.
       Credit Limit  Enter the credit limit to change
       Notes  Enter notes for the request
    5. Revoke an existing card  Request Type  Choose request type "Revoke an existing card"
    New -> Submit -> Approve / Reject -> Close
     Customer  Refer to Customer Access Security
       Vehicle/Driver  Choose Vehicle.
       Notes  Enter notes for the request

  3. Once the record is saved, an alert is sent notifying the request has been submitted. The alert uses document template "Customer Request Notification"

2. Approve / Reject / Close Requests

Assign security access to menu "PS012-1 - Can "Approve,Reject or Close" in menu "Point of Sale -> Customer Request"

Approve / Reject is available for the following request types:

  1. Increase  / Decrease Card Limit - Once approved, system will change the credit limit on the customer's profile
  2. Revoke an existing card - Once approved, system will mark the fleet card as deleted.

3. Customer Request Notification

Customer request notification is an email alert that is sent when the request is Submitted, Approved, Rejected or Closed.

The alert is sent using document template "Customer Request Notification"

Document Template  Sample Alert
Customer Request NotificationCustomer Request Notification.
 Request Number:  {@RequestNumber}
 Request Date:  {@DateCreated}
 Request By:    {@UserCreated}  
 Request Type:  {@RequestType}
 Customer:  {@Customer}
 Vehicle/Driver:  {@VehicleDriver}
 Category:  {@Category}
 Description:  {@Description}
 Request Details:  {@RequestDetails}
 Status:  {@Status}